
Radio And Causes Of Poverty

Ratio and Causes of Poverty

Poverty means the lack of production and per capita income in a country, which results in the lack of saving and investment and keeps the living standard of people at low level.

About one-fourth (25%) of the people of Pakistan are living below the Poverty Line. In order to determine the ratio of poverty, the term “Poverty Line” is used. It refers to the minimum income level below two US dollars daily which a person cannot meet the basic needs of life. In Pakistan, majority of the people earn less than two US dollars a day, which reflects the dire situation of poverty in the country. Following are the major causes of poverty in Pakistan:

i. Our population is growing at much faster rate than the growth of resources and production.

ii. Over 63% of our population lives in rural areas and is dependent on agriculture. In present time, lucrative agriculture depends on machines, pesticides, improved seeds and chemical fertilizers. These items are quite expensive because they are imported from other countries. Despite heavy cost of farming, the farmers most often fail in getting good prices for their yields. It is the reason that despite being hard working, our farmers suffer from acute poverty.

iii. Per Inheritance Laws, the agricultural land has been fragmented into smaller pieces. The small farmers can’t meet their living cost with farming occupation only, hence they are attracted towards side jobs neglecting farming. This results in reduction of per acre yield.

iv. The development in all sectors of economy depends on a strong industrial base. Our country is backward in this field. is the reason that there are fewer job opportunities in industrial sector, other sectors of economy are also at low ebb.

v. Corruption, smuggling, hording, bribery and tax evasion is common in our society. These menaces have affected all fields of our life.

vi. Political instability, discontinuous economic policies and law and order issues have made the foreign investors hesitant to invest in our country. Due to these factors capital is draining out of our country, which is a big cause of unemployment and poverty in Pakistan.

vii. Feudalism in rural areas has played a role in increasing the ratio of poverty. The feudal are depriving the poor farmers of their due share in different ways. They don’t pay them a reasonable toil, hence the farmers don’t work with devotion and dedication.

Consequences of Poverty and Preventive Measures

An economically bleak society usually undergoes political instability; thus, faces internal and external threats as well. Poverty and crimes often go hand in hand. A country having poor masses is fated to have law and order issues. The majority of our people are deprived of balanced food and medical facilities because of poverty. In these circumstances, how can a poor man provide education to his children? This is why our people are generally illiterate, unskilled, physically sick and discouraged.

The present and past governments have been attempting to prevent and eradicate poverty by encouraging foreign investment and increase Job opportunities. In this regard, the Food Support Program, Khushhal Pakistan Program, Pakistan Rural Support Program and Benazir Income Support Program etc. are important measures, however, these have helped little in poverty alleviation. For curbing the issue of poverty, birth control, proper planning, equitable resource distribution, provision of standard educational facilities, increase in the use of modern technology and private sector development all are essential steps.

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