
Pakistan And China Relations Essay For CSS

Relations with China

The Republic of China came into being later than Pakistan. Pakistan To was the first Islamic state which recognized her, despite being against the ideology of communism. Pakistan also supported China in attaining membership in the United Nations Organization (UNO). In the initial days Tim of her independence, when war broke out between China and Korea, the Tom Western countries moved a resolution in UNO, demanding trade sanctions against China. Pakistan refused to cast her vote in favor of this resolution. Apart from this, Pakistan also refused to send her troops to Korea on To UNO’s demand and declared the Tibet issue as an internal matter of China. 01 It strengthened China’s stance in the international community. The joining of the South-East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) was a crucial time forĀ  Pakistan’s foreign policy as it meant direct opposition to China. However, Pakistan didn’t terminate relations with China, rather continued its moral her and diplomatic support for her. In return, China also extended full support to Pakistan in its war with India in 1965. She threatened India by deploying her troops to Indian borders. As a result, India also sent her troops to China’s borders. After the Pak-India war, China enhanced Pakistan’s military aid.

Pakistan’s Ordnance Factory, Wah, and the Heavy Mechanical Complex, Taxila, are clear proof of Pak-China’s friendship. She also played a key role in the construction of the Karakoram Highway, which helped develop a trade link between the two countries. China’s assistance in building Chashma Nuclear Power Plant, Coastal Highway in Balochistan, and Gwadar Port have further strengthened this friendship. Recently, Pakistan has assembled J.F.17 Thunder fighter jets in collaboration with China. These planes are considered equally capable as the American F-16 planes. In 1998, after the nuclear tests, many countries of the world wanted to impose trade embargo on Pakistan, but China vetoed the resolution in the UN Security Council. Pakistan and China have trustworthy trade relations and hundreds of Chinese experts are rendering services in our most sensitive strategic areas.

China is an emerging world power on account of its skilled labor force, strong economy, and efficient military power. In the last few years, China’s international trade has increased by 29.5% and its exchange reserves have grown up to one trillion US dollars. The world powers now recognize the importance of China’s role and viewpoint in world affairs.

China has been engaging other countries for defense and economic relations in order to promote its trade and economic interests. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and Gwadar-Kashghar Economic Corridor are a few testimonies. China is also trying to integrate the countries of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East into economic and political blocks.

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