
Essay On Pakistan Relations With Afghanistan 2023

Relations with Afghanistan

June Pakistan and Afghanistan are Muslim countries. They share historic, cultural and religious values, however, their relations have never been friendly. In 1947, when Pakistan applied for membership in the UNO, Afghanistan was the only country in the world that voted in against. Further, Afghanistan does not recognize the Durand Line as international border between her and Pakistan. Despite Afghanistan’s unfriendly attitude, Pakistan established diplomatic relations with her in 1948 and provided her with trade facilities.

During 1956-58, relations between the two countries improved much better. Air service, telegraph and telephone services started between them. Besides, a number of agreements were made to provide transit trade facilities to Afghanistan.

In 1958, the Pak-Afghan relations suffered again; even diplomatic contacts suspended. In 1963 by mediation of the Shah (king) of Iran, the relations restored. During the Pak-India wars of 1965 and 1971, Afghan government remained neutral, but the Afghan people fully supported Pakistan.

Sardar Daud’s rule in Afghanistan sustained till April, 1978. In the meantime, he focused on resolving border issues with Pakistan. The Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan, led by Noor Muhammad Tarakai, launched a movement against Sardar Daud, which resulted in sacking him on 27th April, 1978. This movement is known in Afghan history as “Saur Revolution”. Soon after this event, civil war started in Afghanistan. As by the Afghan-Soviet Pact of 1978 the Soviet Union claimed responsibility of protecting Afghanistan against internal and external threats, her military intruded into Afghanistan on 12th December, 1979. As a result, a crisis broke out in Afghanistan. About three million Sim Afghans took refuge in Pakistan. Though under the Geneva Accord, the Soviet Army withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, yet the civil war continued. In September, 1996, Taliban Movement established its rule over the most of Afghanistan. On 24th May, Pakistan formally recognized the Taliban Government in order to have better relations with the neighbour country.

On 11th September, 2001, the attack incident of World Trade Centre (New York) took place. As a result, on October 17, 2001, the American military invaded Afghanistan and abolished the Taliban regime. In 2003, on the motives of America a joint army of 43 other countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) also entered into Afghanistan. On December 22, 2001, a transitional government was set up in Afghanistan under the leadership of Mr. Hamid Karzai. In January, 2002, Pakistan reopened her embassy in Afghanistan and announced 100 million US dollars for reconstruction projects there. In the meantime, the Afghan Taliban continued their struggle against the sitting government and US Army in Afghanistan. By the elections of 2004, Hamid Karzai became the President of Afghanistan. Subsequently, Pakistan assured her assistance to Afghan Government in the fields of reconstruction and peace keeping. In 2009, Hamid Karzai became the President of Afghanistan for a second term of five years. By his efforts, a Pak-Afghan transit trade agreement was signed in 2011.

In result of the June, 2014 elections, Mr. Ashraf Ghani became President and Mr. Abdullah Abdullah the Chief-Executive of Afghanistan. Both these leaders want to establish friendly terms with Pakistan and an end to terrorism. The Government of Pakistan has been assisting them in these missions. This scenario can be called as the new era of Pak-Afghan friendship.

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