
Essay On Pakistan And Muslim World 2023

Pakistan and Muslim World

Promoting relations with Muslim countries has been the primary objective of Pakistan’s foreign policy. Pakistan has been an active and influential member of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), which was founded in 1969 at Rabat -a city of Morocco. In August 1969, Israel set the Al Aqsa Mosque (Baitul Muqaddas) on fire. This tragic incident motivated the Muslim World to create a forum whereby they should unitedly confront the dangers posed to them. An Islamic summit conference was proposed by the foreign minister’s conference of Arab countries. Pakistan was member of the committee in-charge of organizing the conference. The most important meeting of the OIC is the summit conference taking place after every three years. The other important event is the conference of foreign ministers that is held at least once a year. The OIC has raised many sub-organizations, like Islamic Development Bank, Islamic Unity Fund, Al Quds Fund, etc. The objectives of OIC include protecting the rights of Palestinians, eradicating poverty and illiteracy from the Muslim World and promoting cooperation. Pakistan has fraternal relations with all Muslim countries. Relations with some of these are discussed hereunder:

i. Relations with Arab World

In the Arab world, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordon, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Sudan and Morocco are included. Pakistan enjoys defense, economic and cultural relations with all these brotherly countries. Some major aspects of these relations are mentioned below:

a. Saudi Arabia

Pakistan is deeply affiliated with Saudi Arabia through religious, cultural, and trade relations. Therefore, both countries have enjoyed cordial relations ever. The land of Saudi Arabia is held in high esteem in the Muslim World. Each year, millions of Muslims visit this land to perform Hajj. Due to this spiritual affiliation, the people of Pakistan bear brotherly sentiments toward Saudi Arabia. The exchange of visits between the summit leadership of both countries has further strengthened the close and deep relations between them. Saudi Arabia recognized Pakistan as a country immediately after her independence. In 1954, the people of Pakistan extended warm welcome to the Saudi King, Saud bin Abdul Aziz, on his visit to their country.

Saudi Arabia has extended moral and financial support to Pakistan in every critical situation. During the Pak-India wars of 1965 and 1971, Saudi Arabia overtly assisted Pakistan in many ways. Especially, King Faisal considered every crisis in Pakistan as his own and provided full support to us. He took a personal interest in the holding of the Islamic Summit Conference in Pakistan in February 1974 and did his best to make it a success.

In 1974, Saudi Arabia granted an interest-free loan of one billion dollars to Pakistan for the sake of construction and expansion in the cement and fertilizer industries. Under the Pak-Saudi pact of February 1984, Pakistan sent 4,000 military experts to Saudi Arabia to train the Saudi Armed Forces. Pakistan exports manpower, rice, cotton textile, tents, and handicrafts to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia provides Pakistan with petroleum at low prices. The two countries are bound by many agreements in the fields of economy, education, and culture.

b. Relations with other Arab Countries

Apart from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan has multi-dimensional relations with other Arab countries. Most of them are rich in oil reserves. A large number of Pakistanis are working in these Arab states. Their remittance is a great source of support to our economy. The United Arab Emirates has been providing financial aid to Pakistan, which has enabled Pakistan to get many projects completed. Pakistan has played a vital role in bringing an end to the civil war in Lebanon. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, Pakistan strongly condemned it. Apart from this, Pakistan has always been condemning Israeli’s invasion and aggression in Palestine and has raised voice and registered protests at all diplomatic forums. Pakistan and Libya have strong ties. Pakistan had played a vital role in the freedom of Libya. In the 1971 war between Pakistan and India, Libya not only extended full diplomatic support to Pakistan but also provided military and economic aid. Pakistan has friendly relations with Egypt. During the Egypt-Israel War of 1973, Pakistan extended full diplomatic and military support to Egypt. Pakistan also played a key role in admitting Egypt to OIC. In the same way, Jordon, Iraq, Sudan, and other Arab countries are the priority in relations to Pakistan’s foreign policy.

ii. Relations with Turkey

Pakistan and Turkey are friends to each other. Their friendship is based on historic, cultural, and religious commonalities. Turkey and Pakistan shared the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), and now they are partners in the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). Turkey has always supported the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people. During the Pak-India wars of 1965 and 1971, Turkey provided Pakistan with financial and moral support. Pakistan has also supported Turkey in its various issues. For example, on the Cyprus issue, Pakistan has strongly favored Turkey’s stance on every international forum. Pakistan has urged the UNO to resolve this issue justly.

Pakistan and Turkey are helping each other in the fields of commerce and industry. Their construction companies also are busy in different projects within each other’s territories. Pakistan and Turkey have strategic military ties as well. Delegations of army officials frequently pay visits bi-laterally. Recently, Turkey has helped Pakistan improve its F-16 fighter planes.

iii. Relations with Central Asian States

The failure of the political and economic systems of the Soviet Union and her military withdrawal from Afghanistan caused an immense set back to her. The disintegration of Soviet Union in 1991 resulted in the liberation of Central Asian Muslim states, which include Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, and Azerbaijan. Few of them share borders with Afghanistan. After the independence of these states, Pakistan established cultural and trade relations with them. Pakistan helped these newly born countries in becoming members of ECO, and in overcoming their economic problems. These states are rich in mineral resources but are landlocked; thus, have few opportunities to establish trade links with the world. Pakistan has been assisting them by providing transit facilities through Karachi port. The Gwadar port is another option, having the capacity to meet their trade needs. With the aim to further strengthen bilateral relations, the high-rank military and civil officials frequently exchange visits.

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