English to Urdu Vocabulary

Color Names in English and Urdu for Kids

Color Names in English and Urdu

In this blog, we are going to learn about the color names in English and Urdu for kids this blog will help your child and you learn some amazing and most commonly used color names in English with their pronunciations and meanings in Urdu. This will help you recognize the colors and name them in English easily.

Color Names in English and Urdu for Kids

When we dive into the world of colors, it’s like opening a treasure chest of words. And you know what? For kids, it’s like uncovering hidden gems when they learn all the amazing color names! So, let’s embark on this colorful journey together. First off, we have these superstar colors: red, blue, and yellow. They’re the building blocks that create a rainbow of colors. But wait, there’s more magic to unfold! Mixing those superstar colors brings new ones to life. Imagine blending red and yellow to get the warm hug of orange. Mix blue and yellow, and you’ve got vibrant green dancing on your canvas. Stirring red and blue together paints the world with majestic purple. And that’s not all—there’s a whole palette of colors waiting to be discovered, like pretty pink, cozy brown, mysterious black, pure white, and thoughtful gray. Let’s wander through this colorful wonderland and have a blast exploring all these shades!

Color Pronunciation Urdu Meaning
Silver /ˈsɪlvər/ چاندی
Beige /beɪʒ/ بھورا
Turquoise /ˈtɜrkwɔɪz/ فیروزی
Indigo /ˈɪndɪɡoʊ/ نیلا بنفشی
Lavender /ˈlævəndər/ اودے
Magenta /məˈdʒɛntə/ میجنٹا
Cyan /saɪən/ سبز نیلا
Teal /til/ گہرا سبز نیلا
Coral /ˈkɔrəl/ مونگا
Salmon /ˈsæmən/ نارینجی
Olive /ˈɑlɪv/ زیتونی
Charcoal /ˈʧɑrˌkoʊl/ کوئلہ
Peach /piʧ/ خوبانی
Lilac /ˈlaɪˌlæk/ گل خرمائی

Color Names in English and Urdu

Red /rɛd/ لال
Orange /ˈɔrɪndʒ/ نارنجی
Yellow /ˈjɛloʊ/ پیلا
Green /ɡrin/ سبز
Blue /blu/ نیلا
Purple /ˈpɜrpl̩/ جامنی
Pink /pɪŋk/ گلابی
Brown /braʊn/ بھورا
Gray /ɡreɪ/ خاکستری
Black /blæk/ کالا
White /waɪt/ سفید
Maroon /məˈrun/ خرمائی
Gold /ɡoʊld/ سونا

Color Names in English and Urdu for Kids

Color Names in English and Urdu for Kids – FAQs

Q1: What are colors?

Colors are the different shades we see, like red, blue, and yellow.

Q2: How many colors are there?

There are many colors, but we usually talk about main ones like red, blue, green, and more.

Q3: And the green color? What is it called?

The green color is called “green” in English.

Q4: What’s the name of the yellow color?

The yellow color is called “yellow” in English.

Q5: Can you tell me more color names?

Sure! Some more colors are orange, purple, pink, and brown.

Q6: How can I remember these colors in English and Urdu?

You can play a fun game by matching the English and Urdu words for each color. Practicing will help you remember!

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