
Challenges To Pakistani Society

Challenges To Pakistani Society

Challenges to Pakistani Society Pakistani society has been facing several issues since long. Different governments have chalked out plans and taken steps to solve these issues. Inspite of all these measures, such social issues still exist. Few of them are discussed below:

I. lliteracy

Education is very important for the well being of society. Nations cannot progress without education. This is in fact education which puts people on the way to progress. Due to illiteracy and ignorance the Pakistani society is lagging behind to gain progress. Rather, this issue has posed a serious threat to our national integrity by creating provincial, lingual and sectarian prejudices.

ii. Over Population

Over population means the growth of population beyond the limit of available resources. Pakistan is facing this challenge, which has put our society into many problems like poverty, inflation, unemployment, etc.

iii. Poverty

Poverty is the main hurdle in economic and social progress of a country. Due to poverty, the people cannot meet their basic needs of life. Pakistani society is not only affected by this problem but also further aggrevated the social and economic condition of the people.

iv. Begging

The menace of begging is increasing rapidly in our society. The streets, markets, hospitals, railway stations, bus stops and all other public places are virtually taken over by the beggars. Begging is not only a problem itself, rather it is a source of many social problems as well. Because, the beggars become a burden on economy and they cause spreading of different crimes and diseases.

V. Use of Drugs

Despite that our religion Islam forbids the use of drugs, yet it is spreading rapidly in our society. Especially our youth is becoming deeply addicted to drugs and thus pose a threat to the future well being of themselves and the country. The drug addicted people are harmful for the society. Such addiction leads them towards the other evil activities.

vi. Child Labour

In many countries of the world, child labour less than fourteen year age is morally and legally banned. Child labour has become a serious social issue in Pakistan. There are laws in Pakistan which ban child labour, yet these are violated by putting children to do labour. We can see children under fourteen doing labour work at hotels, workshops, factories, brick kilns and other spots. The children are our future. If we could not protect their rights today, our society may not progress in future.

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