Application / Letter / Story

Application To The District Education Officer For The Stipend

An Application To The District Education Officer For The Stipend


     The principal,

     ABC school,


Respected sir,

           With due respect it is stated that I am studying in 8th class at Govt, Middle School Sheikhan. My father is working as Naib-Qasid in education department. I stood first in 7th class. I am also the player of the school hockey team. I am fond of studies but my father is unable to bear my school expenses as his salary is very little. It is therefore requested that I may kindly granted stipend to continue my studies.

           I hope you would be kind enough in considering my case sympathetically. I shall be thankful to you.

              Yours Obediently


              Class 8th

Dated: May 10, 2023

An Application To The District Education Officer For The Stipend

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